The Visitor Economy and Wider Economy Grants – Open Today

This grant scheme will open on Monday 30 November. Further information, including full eligibility criteria and the information you will need to have ready will be detailed on the Coast to Capital LEP website. The application email address will be added on Monday 30 November.
The Visitor Economy (Kickstart Tourism) and Wider Economy (Restart & Recovery SME) grants have been created, specifically to help SMEs in the Coast to Capital LEP area to adapt and diversify following the impact of COVID-19. Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), eligible SMEs can access grants of between £1,000 – £3,000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) for specialist advice.
Important note: The deadline for submitting an application will be Monday 7 December at 11:59pm. It is anticipated that the call for eligibility will become oversubscribed. Therefore, to improve the chances of being successful, please ensure that your application clearly sets out how you intend to use the grant funding requested in order to respond to the pandemic; and to help your business to adapt and recover, following the impact of the pandemic.