Delivering Change in Horley Town Centre

The Delivering Change in Horley Town Centre programme is a Council initiative that is supported by Surrey County Council, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership and Horley Town Council.
The programme will deliver a targeted set of interrelated projects to regenerate the town centre and deliver the aspirations of the Council as set out in Reigate and Banstead 2025: our five-year plan – to invest in our town centres, drive economic prosperity, deliver affordable homes and work with partners to create strong, safe and welcoming communities.
There are four projects that form the programme:
- Public realm improvements to the High Street
- Refurbishing the subway between the High Street and Station Approach
- Installation of pay-on-exit car parking in the town centre
- Redeveloping the High Street Car Park to provide new homes
RBBC has begun preparation for the next stage of our engagement work on the High Street and subway improvements, which will be to feedback publicly on the consultation outcomes and provide an update on the proposals that they are taking forward, with initial designs, during July. As before there will be information displayed in the library and online.
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